Looking at my last post, I realize it has been almost two weeks since I wrote on my blog. I could swear it had been yesterday. How fast time is flying by and before you turn around its spring again.

You can read my article about the event on the BC Fishing Blog.

As a side note. I had an interesting conversation with the producer of the show, involving plans for the near future of which I will write more about as soon as things start to take shape.
Spring is soon coming and that means two things for me. Turkey hunting season and hunting shows. This year I will, for the first time ever, hunt turkeys in my own home province, rather than travel to America like in the past years, and field test a few new turkey calls form Heirloom Game Calls.
Talking about new turkey calls. I have great news. Brian Warner and I agreed to introduce the “Othmar Vohringer Signature Line” turkey calls. These calls will be exclusively sold through my website and on my seminars and turkey hunting courses. The lineup so far includes a box paddle call and two pot calls, one with a slate and the other with a glass surface. I just hope that these special calls will be available in time for the turkey hunting season. Heirloom Calls are top of the line hand crafted quality calls and poor Brian works day and night just to fulfill demands.
Every spring I look forward to head out on my seminars tour on hunting trade shows and mingling with other hunters. These trade shows are great places to socialize, meet new people, see new products and get industry news. However, the economic situation has made it harder to get all the dates that I usually attend. I looked forward to give my first seminar in British Columbia at the biggest hunting show in this province. But instead I got a phone call from the shows event manager, informing me that unfortunately the show had to scale down on special events due to exhibitors pulling out in the last minute and therefore they had to cutback on seminar speakers too. Me being among the ones they could not hire this year.
The good news is that I been promised to be definitely invited back for next year. But there is more good news. The Nicola Valley Fish & Game Club will host my turkey hunting course on March 15 and you can read more about that event and program on Wild Turkey Fever. For those that are interested in my seminars and hunting courses, there are still a few open dates available, visit my website for more information or contact me directly.
The response to the Big Deer Contest on Whitetail Deer Passion has been phenomenal and I decided to run another contest very soon to give everybody that couldn’t take part the first time a chance to enter. Stay tuned for more to come on this event very soon.
Now that things are calming down again. I hope. I will be back to my usual regular posting on this blog. There are already a few topics lined up that I would like to share with you all.
Photos courtesy of Heidi Koehler
Othmar Vohringer Outdoors
Founding Member of Outdoor Bloggers Summit
Tags: Ice Fsihing, TV Fishing Show, Ice Fishing Derby, Heirloom Game Calls, Turkey Hunting Seminar, Hunting Trade Shows, British Columbia
Congratulations on accomplishing so many things! It sounds like your spring may come and go before you know it!
Take Care!
Albert A Rasch
The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles
Proud Member of Outdoor Bloggers Summit
Southeast Regional OBS Coordinator
Othmar, my only concern is how do you keep going. You are a really busy fellow these days. Gotta' love it! Good luck with your new ventures and hope all goes well during turkey time.
It sounds like you you have some exciting times coming up Othmar! It's amazing how time flys, hard to believe turkey season will be here soon.
Albert – Thanks Albert. Most of my work time is swallowed up by actually finding work. This economic downward spiral has everybody concerned. Hunting Magazines buy fewer articles and pay writers less. Hunting shows that may have hired 4 or 5 speakers hire now one or two and let them give two different seminars and then still want to pay less. I sure hope that we soon see an upward trend again. But with Obama and his hopes and dreams but with no concrete plans I am not holding my breath.
Mel – “Othmar, my only concern is how do you keep going.” I sometimes wonder that too Mel. I guess it is sheer determination and the need to earn a living in these difficult times.
Adam – You have no idea how much I look forward to turkey season. I already have sleepless nights because of it. The winter starts to get to me and the temperatures in the –20 F plus wind chill, doesn’t help. Having said that coyotes are in their prime now and I might head out next week and see if I can get a few. There is always a bright side to everything. (lol)
Time certainly does fly right by Othmar. And I can see why: You're a pretty busy guy.
Thanks for the comment Arthur. I see you’re a poet.
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