My new website Othmar Vohringer Outdoors has taken off better then I expected and the response I get is encouraging. It definitely pays to have a website to promote a business or service. Several people inquired about my hunting courses and the seminars. I am particularly proud that it looks very much like that I will be holding my very first hunting seminar at one of the biggest outdoor shows this spring right here in my own home province. This might sound a little strange to some of my readers but in all these years I have never given a seminar in British Columbia or Canada. So I am very pleased that finally I been given the opportunity to play a home game.
With turkey hunting just around the corner I get calls and emails about my turkey hunting course almost every day. This is a very unique course and it seems people are surprised if they learn that my courses are not like a seminar or dry theory in a classroom setting but actual hand one courses where the “students” are directly involved. Rather then just sit and listen or read form charts and books my courses are designed to show hunters how to be more successful. In the course a hunter will not be told how to use a turkey call, he will learn physically right there how use a turkey call. The students will be taken into the field and shown where the turkeys are and how the birds use the terrain to travel from one location to another, where to set up an ambush and so on. I always found that showing and doing at the actual location is a better way to learn then just digesting theories sitting in a stuffy room.
I am getting the hunting course and seminar schedule together as I write this. If you’re interested in having me appear on a hunting event or book a course there is no better time then to do it now and not leave it until all dates are booked out.

Othmar Vohringer Outdoors
Founding Member of Outdoor Bloggers Summit
Sounds like your new year is getting off to a great start Othmar.
I might have to check into one of your turkey courses - those little buggers have been eluding me the last few years.
Make sure you take good care of yourself! It's all fun and games until someone gets sick; then it's double pneumonia!
Yup, I have a good feeling about 2009 too! Though jobless for now, I feel the winds are changing. The Shot Show is almost here, and there are 1700+ vendors!
Albert A Rasch
The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles
Proud Member of Outdoor Bloggers Summit
Southeast Regional OBS Coordinator
Othmar - Wow, sounds like 2009 is going to be a great one for you. Nice to hear that you are knee deep in being busy.
Through it all take a moment to enjoy life. Take care of that cold, my friend.
Congratulations on seeing your hunting services grow.
I must agree, it is better to show someone in the field the techniques they need to be successful, than to have them just read how its done.
Othmar, I am very happy your website is doing so well. It really is nice to see. I certainly hope you had nice holidays with friends and family and look forward to your posts this year.
Happy New Year and good luck!
Jeff – The turkey hunting course is very popular, last years was booked out within a couple of weeks.
Albert – Thanks for your concern about my health. A few years ago I had pneumonia and it is not pretty. Despite a strong immune system I get every year the sniffles for a few days. Other then sneezing and feeling a bit down it is not overly bothersome, unless when you stay in front of a camera and every minute or two the word “cut” is uttered because you had another sneeze attack.
Mel – I see that you moved your blog and made it better. Yea it looks like my year shapes up nicely, let’s hope it stays that way.
CDGardens - Thank you for your comment. When I put together courses or seminars I always try to remember what I disliked about school. The thing I hated most was sitting still for hours and listen to the teacher. I am, as most people are, a see-feel-touch-learner and I had great success with that approach of teaching.
Rick – Thanks for the good wishes. The same back to you and everybody else. I sincerely hope that the current downward trend of the economy can be turned around before more people loose their jobs.
Our Christmas this year was a small event. We had invited the family of my wife but then it started to snow the likes of which we have not seen here in many years. The only highway connecting the hill country with the low land, where the family lives, had been closed over Christmas.
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