BC Outdoors, British Columbia’s premier hunting and fishing magazine, has a brand new website. Some of the new features added are hunting and fishing blogs and a forum for BC hunters and others interested in our rich hunting and angling opportunities to gather, meet, discuss and share stories, news, tips or simply chat.
The website is divided into an angling and a hunting section. By simply clicking on the appropriate link on the entrance page you will get to the part of the website catering to your interest.
In the hunting section BC Outdoors features blogs by Greg Blackburn, a hunter and wildlife biologist, and I write another blog. We both offer general information, tips and news pertaining to Britisch Columbia hunting and answer any questions readers may have in this regard .
In the fishing section blogs by BC angling experts Brian Chan, Phil Rowely, Jenna McRae and Trevor Welton provide a wealth of knowledge for anglers of every skill level.
If you’re a hunter or angler from British Columbia, or if you’re thinking of visiting our province for our legendary hunting or fishing opportunities then the new BC Outdoors website, blogs and the forum are the places that will provide you with all the important information from the experts.
Join us at, what soon will become British Columbia’s premier Internet hunting and angling campfire, the BC Outdoors Forum. On the forum I go by the handle “Huntwriter” and I look forward to welcome you and engage with you in conversations about our rich hunting and angling heritage.

Visit the BC Outdoors Website

Read the BC Outdoors Hunting Blogs.
Read my BC Outdoors Blog.
Read the BC Outdoors Fishing Blogs.

Join me and other BC hunters and anglers on the BC Outdoors Forum.
This blog post has been brought to you by Othmar Vohringer Outdoors
Read my bi-weekly newspaper column online.
Tags: Othmar Vohringer, British Columbia, BC Outdoors Magazine, BC Hunting and Fishing, Hunting Blog, BC Hunting Forum
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