I live in cattle country and coyotes are everywhere. You can hear them howl and sing all day and all night. Ranchers hate coyotes, especially in the springtime when the calves are born. I’ve heard horror stories of coyotes circling a cow giving birth and the moment the calf’s head shows up they rush in for the kill. I have seen pictures of it and it looks not pretty. Every year rangers loose a few calves to coyotes and understandably are upset with these critters.
I’ve never paid much attention to coyote hunting until recently. I applied for permission to hunt on a ranch that has some prime whitetail deer habitat. The rancher asked; “Are you willing to kill coyotes? Every coyote you see?” Apparently, according to the rancher, most hunters want permission to hunt deer but are not willing to “help” the rancher so lessen his coyote problem.
That got me thinking that there are surely more ranchers and farmers everywhere in North America that have similar sentiments toward coyotes. Perhaps next time you ask a farmer or rancher for permission to hunt on his land, offer him to take care of the coyotes roaming his land and harassing his livestock. This might just be the key that opens the land for you to hunt on. I know it worked for me. Extend you hunting season by hunting coyotes. It keeps you in good shooting form until spring and it’s good for the farmers, livestock and wildlife. Wit most jurisdictions having no bag limits on coyotes you can shoot to your hearts content, it's fun and good target practice.

Welcome to Coyote School. This is a blog about the art, science and philosophy of hunting coyotes. I invite you to join me in a journey that matches wits and skills with the most adaptable predator on the planet. Here you'll find tales of the hunt, practical instruction, product reviews and the occasional deep thought from someone who's been chasing coyotes for thirty-plus years. During that time I've met many hunters who know far more about coyote hunting than I do; but I've never met anyone who has more fun doing it. I intend to share that excitement with you. You see, I enjoy writing almost as much as hunting, thus making this blog a natural outlet. After all, hunters have to hunt, writers need to write and I must do both. Along the way we'll take the odd detour into related topics but we won't stray too far from the trail. So, come on in, school has started.
This blog post has been brought to you by Othmar Vohringer Outdoors
Thanks for a timely subject. We have coyotes close here.
I will be interested in learning more.
Love coyote hunting...it is absolutely a great way to spend the winter months. Most of the dogs around here by January have heard a rabbit squeal, so calling gets more difficult as the season wears on, but it is a blast for sure!
I think it is time I go back to school . . . perhaps work on a doctorate in coyote extermination.
Hi Othmar. Hope all is well. Coyotes are just starting to become prevalent in my region, and I have yet see a live one. When I do though, I won't hesitate to drop it!
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