To help fellow hunters I have created a special and very unique service. To my knowledge it is the only service of that kind available to hunters anywhere in North America. To learn more about the Hunting Strategy & Hunting Property Evaluation
visit my website.
It’s a very unique service that will help hunters to make stand location choices without the time consuming chore of scouting. I am not guaranteeing 100% hunting success with my predictions. There are many influences such as weather, changing food sources, human activity and more that can and will alter deer movement patterns. But my service will take 90% of the guesswork out of scouting and stand location choice. The beauty of my method is that geographical structures/strategies are a constant that can be capitalized on for hunting purposes for generations to come. The fee for this service is negligible in comparison to the time, effort and money you have to spend to scout for days and weeks. All you need to do is look at the map where I marked out all the likely locations for you, and scout these particular spots according to my recommendations.
Scouting never has been that easy.
This service is part of my ongoing effort to assist hunters in becoming more successful and spend more time hunting and less time wondering and worrying.
Hunting Advice, Hunting Strategy Consultant, Hunting Tactics, Helping Hunters
I think this section is an awesome idea and should benefit a lot of hunters, nice work.
Seems to me like there are alot of inexperienced hunters out there that are in need of your classes and courses or are just having a run of bad luck hunting and want someone to tell them were to find the deer at any given time of year. Your services would help them greatly but I think they would benefit more from doing some leg work of their own this late in the game and starting fresh at the begining of the year (2009 ) with your services.
Sounds like a great service Othmar. If my season keeps up I might just have to take you up on this service.
Looks like a winner to me! Great idea.
Thank you all for the comments. There will be more courses added as time goes on and need for it arises.
Deerslayer – There are indeed many hunters that are inexperienced. Many new hunters do not come from a hunting background and with that they have not the opportunity to learn from fathers and uncles. These hunters are often left to their own device and if they visit hunting forums and ask questions will often get no guidance. Hunting magazines have changed too form the commonsense advice of experienced hunters to high-tech gadget orientated articles that are of very little value to a learning hunter.
In order to do some “leg work“ a new, inexperienced, hunter has to know where to start and what to look for. My courses are about giving the hunter a solid foundation upon which he can build and expand and capitalize from that gained initial knowledge for the rest of his hunting career.
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