Outdoor blogs are a great way to find current information on all aspects of our hunting and fishing heritage. Blogs are truly a gift that keeps on giving. In the spirit of the upcoming Christmas I would like to pass along some of the gifts I found for you.
Albert Rash from The Rash Outdoor Chronicles has written a great article on the Outdoor Bloggers Summit Blog about supporting our fellow bloggers. It’s amazing how little it takes to support your fellow bloggers and the side benefit from that support will backfire in a very positive way on your blog too. This article is a must read for every beginning and veteran blogger. Even I learned a trick or two from it.
A new blog I recently discovered is the Cypress Creek blog, written by Jeff from the Cypress Creek Hunting Lodge in South Carolina. Jeff provides up-to-date information on deer hunting in his home state accompanied with nice pictures. If you live in South Carolina or visit that state on a hunting trip, Jeff will have all the information you need.
Deer hunting season slowly but surly winds down. In December most of the rutting activity has slowed and as it gets cold bucks concentrate their efforts on gaining their weight back that they lost during the rigors of the rut. As the bucks change their behavior we need to change our hunting tactics to match. On Whitetail Deer Passion I have posted some of the tactics I employ in the late season. In Post-Rut Tips I share tips on how to find and hunt the big boys that are still out there.
At Whitetail Deer Passion I also run the 2008 Big Deer Contest with a super price for the winner, provided by the good folks at Versus Country. The contest runs until January 31, 2009, so there is still a bit time to send in your entries.
I am going to stick with deer hunting for a bit. I have to mention Whitetail Woods. Rick Kratzke, from Connecticut, produces post after post and is as passionate about deer hunting as I am. In posts like Where do I put my treestand? or his series Tuesday’s Tips & Techniques are fine examples of Rick’s wealth of deer hunting knowledge and savvy.
From Connecticut lets go to Delaware, the home state of Steven Kendus. Steven is not only a blogger but also the author of the book Hunting The First State – A Guide To Delaware Hunting. I reviewed the book and can recommend it to all hunters. On his blog Steven shares with us stories and hunting tips but also his regular outdoor column that he writes for the Delaware News Journal.
With the economy getting worse each week and the numbers of jobs that are lost every day Steven provides a much needed resume writing service on his website The Writers Block. I needed a resume for my hunting related activities, which is like a job resume but related to hunting, and Steven did a wonderful job of it. Besides writing resumes Steven offers other specialized professional writing skills for businesses.
Okay, after all that hunting I feel like going fishing. The Fish Geek comes readily to mind. This blog provides lots of information on all sorts of fishing related topics and I really appreciate some of the stunning pictures the Fish Geek provides with most articles.
Of course no fishing blog roundup is complete without mentioning by my dear blogging friend Mel Moore who writes the The Fishing Notebook. The blog is exactly as the title says, a notebook. If it has to do with fishing you will find it in Mel’s notebook. Years of fishing have given Mel the expertise to talk about all things fishing with authority. Mel is also known for his unique sense of humor that ever so often shines through his writing which makes the blog not only a valuable source for fishing information but entertaining too.
While I am at it, let me say a few words about the master of entertainment. This blog has been called the X-Files of outdoor blogging. Rex from the Deer Camp Blog is no stranger to the outdoor blogger community and if you like satire at its best then you definitely need to read that blog frequently. If you haven’t met Thunderhoof, the largest whitetail deer buck in the world, on Rex’s blog you will hear about the mysterious deer, that haunts the Christmas Plantations, frequently.
That’s all folks. At least for today. There are many more blogs I could write about if it where not for the space restrictions. The outdoor blogger community is growing faster then I ever had imagined when I started blogging three years ago. Back then there where a handful of us. Today there are so many it becomes hard to keep track of them all. I encourage you to check out each bloggers “blogroll” and you soon will find that outdoor blogs provide a combined wealth of knowledge and tips that simply would not be possible without the hard work every blogger puts in every day. I am proud to be a small part of this large community.
Othmar Vohringer Outdoors
Founding Member of Outdoor Bloggers Summit
Tags: Outdoor Blogs, Blogging, Blogger Community, Hunting Blogs, Fishing Blogs
Thank you very much for those kind and supportive words.
Thank you so much for the link and the mention on your great blog. And we would love to be on your outfitters page, so please feel free to grab our logo off of the site. Please let me know what else you need.
I am also trying to get one of your logos on our site. However I can only add them in an HTML box; do you have a logo in that format like the Outdoor Bloggers Summit one? If so, email it to me so that I can get that up. I think the 125x125 one would work great.
If you don't have it in HTML, then I will get our webmaster to add one of the logos to the page (sorry, I just don't know how to do all of this yet).
Thanks, Jeff
thank you for the link my friend and you are welcome at the
Christmas Place anytime.
(sooner than later I hope)
Thank you all for your comments. Sorry about been late in replaying here. But with the upcoming Ice Fishing Derby I have my hands rather full at the moment.
Rex – I been dreaming about visiting you for so long and I too hope it will possible rather sooner then later.
Othmar Vohringer Outdoors
Founding Member of Outdoor Bloggers Summit
Othmar - Thanks so much for your time and efforts plugging my blog. I am humbled to have you say those things about me and the blog, since they come from a true roll model as an outdoor blogger. You are very appreciated everyday!
You’re very welcome Mel. I always enjoy reading your blog, I just wish I had more time to stop by regularly instead of once in a blue moon.
Othmar Vohringer Outdoors
Founding Member of Outdoor Bloggers Summit
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