© By
Othmar Vohringer
There are few outdoor events that I look as much forward as the annual
BC Family Fishing Day appropriately enough held on Fathers Day, June 20th, 2010. Many different clubs and organizations throughout British Columbia host the BC family Fishing Day in an effort to promote our rich fishing heritage and the family.
Nicola Valley Fish & Game Club, of which I am currently serve as 2nd Vice President, hosts the Family Fishing Day at the lake between Kentucky and Alleyne Lake in the
Kentucky and Alleyne Provincial Park (map)
The Event begins at 10 am on Sunday June 20 and ends at 2pm. There will be many prizes to be given away for the children. Experienced anglers and the Conservation Officers will be on hand with advice and tips. There will also be a concession tent serving coffee, soft drinks, hot dogs and burgers.
If you can make it I would love to welcome you personally to this unique event, celebrating fishing and family. The lake will be stoked with for that special day with 20,000 rainbow trout in addition to the fish that are already in the lake. This particular lake produces some very large trout. Fish in the range from two to three pounds are not uncommon
Here I leave you with a few pictures from last year.

A long lineup at the registry boot. Despite rain mixed with sunny spells over 60 adults and children took part on our Family Fishing Day event.

Little girl, big fish. This young lady is proudly presenting her catch of the day, a 2lbs. rainbow trout.

Here is another young and proud angler with his catch. The Conservation Officer officially weighed the fish at just under 2 lbs. Rainbows of this size are not uncommon in our lake.

It's time to hand out the prizes. There are so many prizes from the fishing rod combos to lures provided by organizations and companies that we are truly able to say, "No child left behind (without a prize.)"
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Othmar Vohringer OutdoorsRead my bi-weekly newspaper column
That looks like one heck of an event, Othmar. I'm sure everyone will have just as much fun this year, as they did last year.
Enjoy it!
You're right it is one heck of an event. Family Fishing Day is celebrated all over British Columbia by various clubs and organizations hosting fishing events. On last nights meeting I was informed that the Ministry of Fishing will stock many lakes with rainbow trout just for this event. All in all about 3 million fish will be released throughout the province.
Sounds like a great event Othmar. I hope you have good weather for it!
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