© By
Othmar Vohringer
Hunters in Petersburg, North Dakota, observed this buck all of last season and tried to hunt him, but to no avail. This was a very smart buck. No matter what the hunters tried to get close to him it was no avail. To the local hunters dismay some pheasant hunters found the monster buck dead at the end of the deer hunting season. Wildlife officials decided after an examination of the remains that the buck died of natural causes.

It’s a little known fact that most big bucks die not because of a hunter but because of old age or accidents. The reason bucks as this one get that big is because they learn at a young age how to stay away from hunters and predators.
This is a true monster buck, check out the mass in the main beams and the tines. Notice the huge drop tines. It’s a giant alright!
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Sorry to see such a majestic animals life end. He does appear to have been around a long time. Maybe he passed his wisdom to his offspring.
maybe one of these days.......
Wow - what a buck. I've always kind of smiled when I hear about monster bucks dying of old age.
I guess we can't win 'em all. :-)
CDGardens - I am sure that the book passed his genes on to many fawns during his lifetime.
Editor - Nice to see back on my blog.
Dayne Shuda - According to a research document. Over 90% of the really big bucks are never seen by hunters. These masters of survival are nocturnal and never come out during daytime.
this would explain why trail cam pictures of such bucks are mostly taken at night.
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